Hoteluri Bucuresti, Cazare in Bucuresti
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  Noaptea in Bucuresti
Bucuresti iti poate oferi toate tipurile de distractie. In Bucuresti sunt cluburi, pub-uri, baruri, discoteci, cluburi de noapte si cazinouri peste tot. Multe cluburi sunt concentrate in jurul centrului istoric. Aceste locuri sunt deschise aproape toata noaptea si te asteapta cu muzica buna, bauturi delicioase si atmosfera prietenoasa.
Cluburi & Discoteci
Allure Club
Adresa : Calea Floreasca 110
Tel : 0744 50 11 55
Orar :16:00-05:00

Armadillo Club
Adresa : Str. P-ta Amzei 6
Tel : 0722 195 813
Orar :10:00-05:00
Vi: 18:00-05:00, S: 20:00-05:00, Dum: Inchis

Adresa : Str. Gabroveni 14
Tel : 021 312 39 43
Orar :18:00-05:00
exceptie: Lu: Inchis

Adresa : B-dul Magheru 24
Tel : 0722 67 26 11
Orar :24:00-05:00
exceptie: Lu, Ma, Mi, Dum: Inchis

Club A
Adresa :Str. Blanari 14
Tel : 313 55 92 Fax: 315 47 86
Orar :10:00-05:00
exceptie: Vi: 10:00-06:00, S: 21:00-06:00, Dum: 21:00-05:00

Coyote Cafe
Adresa : Calea Victoriei 48-50 (Pasajul Victoriei)
Tel : 311 34 87
Orar :16:00-02:00
exceptie: Vi: 16:00-05:00, S: 16:00-05:00, Dum: 16:00-05:00

Adresa : Str. Academiei 35-37
Tel : 0722 50 50 85
Orar : 22:00-05:00
exceptie: Lu: Inchis

El Comandante
Adresa : Str. Sf. Stefan 13
Tel : 0724 39 60 43
Orar : 17:00-08:00
exceptie: S: 19:00-11:00, Dum: 19:00-11:00

Adresa : Str. Ion Oteteleseanu 3a
Tel : 0727 37 90 23
Orar : 20:00-05:00
exceptie: Lu, Ma, Mi, Dum: Inchis

Adresa : Str. Turturelelor 11
Tel : 323 14 50
Orar : Vi, S: 22:00-05:00

Event Club
Adresa : Str. Icoanei 2
Tel : 210 59 21
Orar : 17:00-02:00
exceptie: Dum: Inchis

Adresa : Str. Covaci 6
Tel : 313 75 80
Orar : Vi, S: 21:00-04:00

Fire Club
Adresa : Str. Gabroveni 12
Tel : 0722 39 09 46

Adresa : B-dul Magheru 38b
Tel : 211 01 44
Orar : 12:00-01:00
exceptie: S, Dum: 16:00-05:00

Kogal Club
Adresa : B-dul Regina Elisabeta 54
Tel : 0724 770 542
Orar : 18:00-05:00
exceptie: L, Ma, Mi: Inchis

Kristal Glam Club
Adresa : J. S. Bach 2
Tel : 231 21 36
Orar : 22:00-05:00
exceptie: L, Ma, Mi: Inchis

Monaco Lounge Cafe
Adresa : Str. Covaci 16
Tel : 314 00 79

Music Club
Adresa : Str. Baratiei 31
Tel : 314 61 97
Orar : 21:00-04:00

Oldies Club
Adresa : Calea Mosilor 91
Tel : 0723 66 65 51
Orar : 16:00-04:00

Prometheus Club
Adresa : B-dul. Natiunile Unite 3-5
Tel : 336 66 38

Salsa III
Adresa : Mihai Eminescu 89
Tel : 0723 53 18 41
Orar : 22:00-05:00
exceptie: Dum: Inchis

Adresa : Str. Academiei 35-37
Orar : Vi, S: 23:00-06:00

Adresa : Str. Mendeleev 1
Tel : 310 24 19
Orar : 12:00-05:00

Studio Martin
Adresa : B-dul Iancu de Hunedoara 41
Orar : Vi, S: 22:00-05:00

Stuf Vama Veche
Adresa : Str. Berzei 25A
Tel : 0745 69 47 91
Orar : 19:00-04:00

Adresa : Splaiul Independentei
Tel : 0727 29 76 10
Orar : Ma, Mi, J, Vi, S: 22:00-05:00

Adresa : B-dul Schitu Magureanu 13
Tel : 0745 200 611
Orar : 18:00-06:00

The Office
Adresa : Str. Tache Ionescu 2
Tel : 0745 110 064
Orar : Mi, Vi, S : 21:30-05:00, Dum: 22:00-02:00

Tunnel Club
Adresa : Str. Academiei 19-21
Tel : 312 69 71
Orar : 21:00-05:00

Adresa : Str. Sf. Vineri 4
Tel : 313 55 92
Orar : 21:00-05:00

Adresa : B-dul. Mihail Kogalniceanu 3
Tel : 0741 949 085
Orar : 15:00-05:00

Baruri & Pubs

Adresa : Str. Covaci 6
Tel : 313 75 80
Orar : 10:00-01:00
exceptie: Vi, S: 10:00-04:00

As Pub
Adresa : Str. Marcel Andreescu 11
Tel : 230 02 49
Orar : 11:00-03:00

Bar Fly
Adresa : B-dul Ferdinand I 3
Tel : 0722 84 48 74
Orar : 13:00-06:00
exceptie: S, Dum: 15:00-07:00

Adresa : Gen. Brosteanu 11
Tel: 212 09 92
Orar : 10:00-01:00

Beverly Hills Bar
Adresa : B-dul Unirii 19
Tel : 335 43 83
Orar : 12:00-02:00

Cafe & Terrace
Adresa : Str. Franklin 12
Tel : 310 10 17
Orar : 10:00-01:00

Cafeneaua Actorilor
Adresa : B-dul Nicolae Balcescu 2
Tel : 0722 303 198
Orar : 10:00-01:00
exceptie: Vi, S, Dum: 10:00-05:00

Carlton Cafe
Adresa : B-dul Nicolae Balcescu 11
Tel : 314 70 93
Orar : 08:00-23:00

Centro Bar & Lounge
Adresa : Calea Dorobantilor 5-7 (Howard Johnson Grand Plaza)
Tel : 201 50 30
Orar : 09:00-01:00

Cesky Pub
Adresa : Str. Dianei 11
Tel : 312 42 87

City Pride
Adresa : B-dul Magheru 7
Tel : 312 49 59
Orar : 10:00-02:00

Crowne Plaza
Adresa : B-dul Poligrafiei 1 (Crowne Plaza)
Tel : 224 00 34

Adresa : B-dul Nicolae Balcescu 25
Tel : 311 23 22
Orar : 12:00-04:00

Adresa : Mendeleev 32 - 34
Tel : 314 86 06

Adresa : B-dul N. Titulescu 18
Tel : 222 94 73
Orar : 09:00-02:00

Edgar's Pub
Adresa : Str. Edgar Quinet 9
Tel : 314 18 43
Orar : 10:00-02:00
exceptie: S: 15:00-02:00, Dum: 16:00-02:00

English Bar
Adresa : Str. Epicopiei 1-3 (Athenee Palace Hilton)
Tel : 303 3777
Orar : 11:00-02:00

Adresa : Str. Nicolae Golescu 5
Orar : 18:00-03:00

Adresa : Str. Caderea Bastiliei 30
Tel : 0788 452 779
Orar : Dum: 13:00-05:00

Jazz Cafe Bar
Adresa : Sos. Stefan cel Mare 6
Tel : 212 32 33
Orar : 08:00-24:00
exceptie: S, Dum: 12:00-24:00

Adresa : Str. Sepcari 22
Tel: 314 83 14
Orar : 19:00-05:00

Klein Bar & Bistro
Adresa :Str. Smardan 11
Tel : 313 93 15
Orar : 08:00-22:00

La 80
Adresa : Str. J.L. Calderon 80
Tel : 212 48 86
Orar : 11:00-01:00

Myth 1476
Adresa : Str. Soarelui 4-6
Tel : 315 23 44
Orar : 12:00-24:00
exceptie: Vi. S: 12:00-01:00, Dum: 13:00-24:00

Adresa : B-dul. Nicolae Balcescu 2
Tel : 315 23 00
Orar : 12:00-02:00

Pavilion Lounge
Adresa :Calea 13 Septembrie 90 (JW Marriott Grand Hotel)
Tel : 403 19 04
Orar : 12:00-02:00

Q Pub
Adresa : Str. Mendeleev 35
Tel: 0722 518 612

Adresa : Str. George Enescu 5
Tel : 318 16 67
Orar : 09:30-05:00

The Green Man
Adresa : Str. Putul lui Zamfir 26
Tel : 230 00 71

The Harp
Adresa : Str. Bibescu Voda 1
Tel: 335 65 08
Orar : 09:00-02:00

Adresa :Str. David Emanuel 4A
Tel : 211 31 51
Orar : 11:00-01:00
exceptie: Vi, S: 11:00-02:00

Adresa : B-dul Burebista 2
Tel : 322 59 45

TZ's Cotton Club
Adresa : Calea Victoriei 48-50 (Pasajul Victoriei)
Tel : 313 13 13

White Horse
Adresa : Str. George Calinescu 4A
Tel : 231 27 95
Orar : 12:30-24:00

Words Cafe
Adresa : Str. Sfintii Apostoli 35
Tel : 336 24 04
Orar : 09:00-01:00

Yellow Bar
Adresa : Str. Edgar Quinet 10
Tel : 310 13 51
Orar : 10:00-03:00
exceptie: S: 12:00-05:00, Dum: 15:00-05:00


Casino Bucharest
Adresa : B-dul Nicolae Balcescu 4 (InterContinental Hotel)
Tel : 310 20 20
Orar : 18:00-06:00

Casino Napoleon
Adresa :P-ta Montreal 10 (Sofitel)
Tel : 319 44 12
Orar : 14:00-06:00

Grand Casino
Adresa : Calea 13 Septembrie 90 (JW Marriott Grand Hotel)
Tel : 403 08 01

Mirage Casino
Adresa : Bd. Magheru 8-10
Tel : 313 89 52
Orar : 24 hrs.

Palace Casino
Adresa : Calea Victoriei 133
Tel : 311 97 44
Orar :24 hrs.

Princess Casino
Adresa :B-dul Regina Elisabeta 13
Tel : 310 39 10
Orar :24 hrs.

Queen Casino
Adresa : Calea Dorobantilor 5-7
Tel : 599 11 26
Orar :24 hrs.

Cluburi de Jazz

Art Jazz Club
Adresa : B-dul N. Balcescu 23A
Tel : 0723 52 06 43
Orar :13:00-03:00
exceptie: Lu: Inchis

Big Mamou
Adresa : Spl. Independentei 2A
Tel : 0724 67 11 08
Orar : 16:00-03:00

Blues Caf�
Adresa : Calea Victoriei 16-20 (Pasajul Villacrosse)
Tel : 0723 52 06 43
Orar :09:00-02:00

Green Hours 22 Club Jazz Caf�
Adresa :Calea Victoriei 120
Tel : 0723 52 06 43
Orar : 24hrs.

Acceptam:VISA, MasterCard,
VISA Electron & Maestro
Comentariile clientilor nostri:
angela (DOHA, QATAR) - 9/24/2007
First of all this is not a hotel, this is a villa, or a �pension�. They called themselves �hotel d�j� vu�, on the website where I booked my stay. And it�s far from what 5 stars should be. There are no 5 five stars hotels in Cluj, that�s for sure!!! Their website seems like a pretentious arty-farty presentation of an old villa, which was once renovated in what they called art-nouveau style. I am not going to comment any of that, this place is a joke. We�ve got a massive Internet bill, and you should watch out for that. They have an obscure system of counting how �much� Internet you�ve used (which they couldn�t explain). We were charged �mistakenly� for an extra bed, and if I didn�t go back and asked about it, they wouldn�t have mentioned anything. The room was clean when we arrived. However, it hadn�t been cleaned during our stay because, apparently they couldn�t find the key, which we basically left at the reception every morning. The dinning room needs renovation, in my view. There was a persisting tobacco smell (in this supposedly non-smoking area), stale atmosphere. The food was al right but, again, so not 5 stars! The location is nice, the villa is in a very quite area of the city, close to the central park, and the centre of the city. You need to walk about 20 minute to the nearest bus station though. There are better hotels in Cluj for this price. Just do your homework, make your research
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