Albergo Bucarest Hotel
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Domenica, 30 Marzo 2025
Avangarden 3 Brasov

Alberghi economici Bucarest

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Home   /  Alberghi Romania   /  Alberghi Bucarest   /  HOTEL SuterInn
Category: *** Address:
Phone: +4 021 337 23 23
Aria condizionata Bagno privato
Centro citta' Prima colazione
Parcheggio disponibile Satellite/Cable TV a colori
Bagno accessiorato Ristorante
Servizio ristorazione

Hotel Suterinn Bucarest - Romania

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  Hotel Suterinn Bucarest - Room Rates
Singola Matrimoniale Apartment (1pers) Suite (2pers) Suite (3 pers) Suite (4 pers)
Tutto l'anno 59€ 69€ 79€ 89€ 99€ 109€
* prices are per night / room
Rate room includes: Prima colazione, VAT
Optional: Trasferimento dal Aeroporto-un viaggio (25€), Trasferimento dal Aeroporto-andata e ritorno (50€)
Fotografia 1 di Hotel Suterinn Bucarest Fotografia 2 di Hotel Suterinn Bucarest Fotografia 3 di Hotel Suterinn Bucarest Fotografia 4 di Hotel Suterinn Bucarest Fotografia 5 di Hotel Suterinn Bucarest
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  Hotel description
���The SuterInn Hotel edifice was built by architect Suter in 1900, while in 2005 it was restored and prepared to serve as a hotel, and even after a short time of activity, it turns into a well visited hotel in Bucharest for its central address, attractive prices and good services.
���Conveniently appointed in an old but fancy city quarter, on a pitoresque lane, quite close to Unirii Square and the Palace of Parliament, you will find a 3-Star hotel with elegant furniture, cosy outlook and quality tourist services.
���The Rooms
��The hotel comprises 10 double bed rooms and 4 single room with king-sized beds. All rooms have a separate bathroom with shower and toilet and are equipped with TV sets and air conditioning. Usually, the prices are established for the accommodation unit but the two types of room can also be rented by just 1 person. In this case, the price is 35 �/night for double bed room and 40 �/night for king-sized bed room.
���The restaurant
��In the basement of our hotel you can find a restaurant with 30 places and a bar. You can have alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks like wine and beer as well as coffee and sandwiches. Lunch and dinner can be ordered from a catering-service. For groups (more than 10 people) you can also order a dinner that will then be prepared by the skilled hotel chef.
Accettiamo:VISA, MasterCard,
VISA Electron & Maestro
Commenti dei nostri Clienti:
Ann Marie (Ulster) - 8/23/2006
Dear Laura, We just wanted to let you know that we had a wonderful stay in Brasov. everything about our trip was perfect. Thank you so much for all your help. Best Wishes, Ann Marie and David
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